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Passenger Round-trip Fares

Passenger fares are expressed in round-trip and VAT. They include the port charges set by each port that explain any variations in rates between each line. Also, single passenger fare from the mainland to the island, excluding island fare, are subject to a so-called Barnier tax for the preservation of sensitive spaces.

Passenger tickets

Ferry fares for Belle-Île-en-Mer, Groix, Houat and Hoëdic change according to the low and high season. Luggage of up to 30 kg per passenger is free of charge.

  • Normal (low season):
    • October 1 to March 31: daily
    • from April 1st to June 30th: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays excluding public holidays
    • from September 1st to 30th: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays excluding public holidays
  • Peak season:
    • July 1 to August 31: daily
    • April 1 to June 30: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
    • September 1 to 30: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)Groix,
Houat – Hoëdic
26 years and over
Normal period :
37,60 €

High attendance :
40,70 €
Normal period :
37,50 €

High attendance :
Normal period :
37,50 €

High attendance :
18 to 25 years included
28,20 €27,60 €27,60 €
4 to 17 years included
23,20 €22,50 €22,50 €
– 4 years
The child must be in possession of a ticket for the passenger count on board.
Inter Îles
Only between Houat and Hoëdic
Adult, 26+ years old :
10,15€ the single way

Youth, 18 to 25 years old :
8,55€ the single way

Child, 4 to 17 years old :
4,80€ the single way
Small pets transported in a bag or cage are free of charge.
6,70 €6,70 €6,70 €

Booking and payment of tickets are possible on our website or on the mobile application BreizhGo Océane, by phone at the number with no surtax of the Customer Service Center, or at the ticket counters. Any modification or cancellation is subject to a deduction for each modified trip. No changes or refunds will be possible once the trip is completed. Passengers may purchase insurance to cover certain cancellation cases when purchasing the Ticket.

Solidarity fare

Return from only 13,10 €for eligible passengers !

Job seekers, beneficiaries of the RSA or other eligible allowances, apply for a BreizhGo Solidaire card and benefit from 67% discount compared to the full rate on the entire BreizhGo network (car, TER, boat).

Passenger Subscriptions

The subscriptions below are strictly personal. The cards are nominative and valid for one year from the date of the first crossing. Passengers must have their travel card with them when boarding.

Subscriptions Frequency

The Frequency Pass allows you to benefit from a preferential rate for 2 or 5 round trips to be used over one year from the 1st date of passage on all islands served by BreizhGo Océane.

Rate card Frequency 4 (all islands)Rate card Frequency 10 (all islands)
26 years and over
66,00 € 101,00 €
18 to 25 years
44,00 € 69,00 € r
4 to 17 years
34,00 €56,00 €

Unlimited subscriptions

The Annual Unlimited Pass is an individual card that allows the holder to benefit from a preferential rate for an unlimited number of crossings over one year from the date of the 1st passage on all islands served by BreizhGo Océane.

Card rate (all islands)
Adult and Youth Card
From 18 years old
70,35 €
Child card
4 to 17 years included
35,20 €
Family Card
Package 4 people, maximum 2 adults over 18 years
148,35 €
Additional child on the Family card
Under 18 years
16,05 €

All cards included in the unlimited subscriptions offer access to the following round-trip fares :

(Le Palais)
Groix, Belle-Île-en-Mer (Sauzon)Houat – Hoëdic
Adult and Youth
From 18 years old
13,10 €13,30 €13,30 €
Child card
4 to 17 years included
7,90 €8,00 €8,00 €
Only between Houat and Hoëdic
Adult, youth and child
4,80 € one way

Are you regularly travel on the BreizhGo Océane shipping lines ?

Benefit from advantageous rates adapted to your crossing frequency.

Choose the subscription that corresponds to your need and make your request for subscription or renewal of passenger subscriptions for your crossings to the islands of Morbihan.

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