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We ask that passengers pay close attention to all the announcements made in the terminal and on-board during the crossing, as well as read and comply with all the safety instructions displayed.

In the port area, many activities and operations run simultaneously: vehicles driving around, pedestrians and Compagnie Océane staff walking around, forklifts, etc. It is a hazardous environment. 

To avoid any accidents from happening, we ask that you comply with the traffic flow instructions implemented on-site (pedestrians, bikes, etc.), and stick to the floor markings. 

For safety and security reasons, all luggage must be labelled. If necessary, luggage labels are available at our ticket offices. 

Please make sure never to leave your luggage or belongings unattended in the terminal building, even if only for a short time. We also ask that you report any suspicious left baggage or packages. Unattended bags are likely to be destroyed. 

On board, we ask that you keep all passenger and emergency evacuation aisles free of your personal effects. Please do not store your personal belongings in the areas reserved for reduced-mobility passengers. 

On board our boats, we regulate the transport of certain weapons and goods considered dangerous. Certain weapons or dangerous goods are prohibited, such as flammable substances, explosives, etc. 

All dangerous goods must be declared as such beforehand. 

For further information, please contact the relevant department. 

Safety checks may be conducted prior to boarding. Passengers, luggage and vehicles may be checked visually by an external company. 

Should you fail to comply with these checks, you may be refused access on board. 

To avoid any incidents, passengers must walk down the dock on foot, pushing their bike and/or scooter alongside them. Passengers must dismount before stepping onto the boat’s deck. 

For fire safety reasons, electric folding scooters and bikes are not permitted in the upper lounges. All electric folding scooters and bikes brought on by passengers must then be placed in the hold. 

To optimise foot passenger safety on-board our boats, the driver alone is authorised to stay in the vehicle during boarding and disembarking. 

Under certain conditions and if supervised, cyclists, children, reduced-mobility passengers or passengers needing to use the lift may also be authorised to move around in the hold. 

Passengers are not authorised to remain in the hold during the crossing. 

Running and climbing up on the railings or safety equipment is prohibited on-board. 

In case of bad weather, we recommend avoiding the outside decks. 

In any case, jumping into the water is strictly prohibited. 

As a reminder, children under 18 shall travel under the responsibility of their parents or accompanying passengers. Please ensure that children respect all given safety instructions. 

Smoking is prohibited on-board all boats and in ferry terminals. 

Throwing rubbish overboard is strictly prohibited. 

Also, please sort your rubbish appropriately on-board and in the terminal buildings. 

We recommend that passengers wear face masks both in the terminal and on-board our boats. 

Thank you for understanding. 

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