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Fares Return vehicles

Vehicle rates are understood to be exclusive of passengers, who must purchase a passenger ticket at the current rate. Prices are expressed in round-trip and VAT. They incorporate the port charges set by the municipalities, which explains the variations in tariffs between lines. Vehicle reservations to Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais) and Groix can be made directly on our website (with exceptions). For vehicle crossings to Houat and Hoëdic, we invite you to contact us by phone or direct you to the goods department. Indeed, motor vehicles are limited on the archipelago, their passages are regulated.

Vehicle tickets

Return prices, excluding drivers/cyclists:

Ferry fares for Belle-Île-en-Mer, Groix, Houat and Hoëdic change according to the low and high season.

  • Normal (low season):
    • October 1 to March 31: daily
    • from April 1st to June 30th: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays excluding public holidays
    • from September 1st to 30th: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays excluding public holidays
  • Peak season:
    • July 1 to August 31: daily
    • April 1 to June 30: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
    • September 1 to 30: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

Two-wheeled (passenger ticket not included)

Two-wheelers travelling alone (without driver) are treated as parcels that must be registered with the goods department.

Normal periodPeak season
Electric scooter9,40€11,10€
Bicycle or bike trailer16,40 €19,20€
Electric bike22,00 €25,40€
Cargo bike, tandem32,90 €38,50€
Electric Cargo Bike, Tandem Electric39,80 €44,70€

You travel with a 2 wheels ?

For reasons of comfort and safety, all bikes and electric scooters must be placed in the garage. Folded (non-electric) bicycles and scooters can be placed in the luggage storage and thus travel free of charge.

Two-wheeled motorized (passenger ticket not included)

Reservations for motorized two-wheelers to Groix can be made directly on our website. However, reservations for Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais) are not available online and must be made by phone.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)GroixHouat – Hoëdic
Motorized two-wheeler
of 125 cm3 
Normal period :
46,70 €

High attendance :
54,40 €
Normal period :
46,20 €

High attendance :
53,90 €
Normal period :
46,20 €

High attendance :
53,90 €
Motorized two-wheeler
> to 125 cm3
Normal period :
132,80 €

High attendance :
154,80 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
154,20 €
Normal period :
132,10 €

High attendance :
154,20 €

Passenger vehicles (excluding passenger ticket)

The following rates are calculated on the basis of the length of the vehicle indicated by the manufacturer and do not include the ticket of the driver who must be equipped with a passenger ticket. Any outside load (trailer, gallery, bike rack…) must be declared and exempt from the current tariff. The price of a trailer round trip is equivalent to a vehicle round trip during normal periods. The trailer rate is also subject to categories 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on its length.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)GroixHouat – Hoëdic
Category 1
less than 4,00 m
Normal period :
197,00 €

High attendance :
221,20 €
Normal period :
192,10 €

High attendance :
216,30 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
216,30 €
Category 2
from 4,00 m to 4,39 m
Normal period :
234,40 €

High attendance :
258,80 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
253,90 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
253,90 €
Category 3
from 4,40 m to 4,79 m
Normal period :
353,80 €

High attendance :
391,40 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
386,60 €
Normal period :

High attendance :
386,60 €
Category 4
More than 4,80 m
Normal period :
426,70 €

High attendance :
486,40 €
Normal period :
421,80 €

High attendance :
481,50 €
Normal period :
421,80 €

High attendance :
481,50 €
Vehicles over 2,10 m high
All periods :
665,40 €
All periods :
660,50 €

Flat rate surcharge for any loading outside of a vehicle

Round-trip fare (all islands)
Gallery loaded
not more than 2,10 m high
51,90 €
Gallery loaded
of a height exceeding 2,10 m
Bike rack
64,20 €

Booking and payment of tickets are possible on our website or on the mobile application BreizhGo Océane, by phone at the number with no surtax of the Customer Service Center, or at the ticket counters. Any modification or cancellation is subject to a deduction for each modified trip. No changes or refunds will be possible once the trip is completed. Passengers may purchase insurance to cover certain cancellation cases when purchasing the Ticket.

VASP PMR vehicle fare

Any Motor Vehicle specially equipped for the transport of PRM and whose VASP and disabled mentions are indicated on the registration card can benefit from a reduced rate upon presentation of the registration card and the disability card of the passenger (Disability rate equal to or greater than 80%). The PRM accompanying persons will be able to benefit from the BreizhGo solidarity tariff (on the basis of one accompanying person per crossing).

Special vehicles, buses and vans (excluding passenger tickets)

The prices for the so-called “special” vehicles do not change according to the low and high season. The total weight of the vehicle may not exceed the total weight indicated on the vehicle’s registration card. The vehicle may be weighed before boarding. The transport of vehicles to Houat-Hoëdic is limited to 3.2 tonnes and a maximum length of 5 metres. for any reservation request, we invite you to contact us by phone.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)GroixHouat – Hoëdic
Less than 2 tonnes194,20 €189,80 €189,80 €
From 2 to 3,5 tonnes
≤ H 2,10 m
238,90 €234,50 234,50
From 2 to 3,5 tonnes
> H 2,10 m
283,60 €279,20 €279,20 €
From 3,5 to 7 tonnes337,90 €323,90 €
From 7 to 11 tonnes405,10 €391,00 €
From 11 to 19 tonnes556,90 €542,90 €

Subscription vehicles

The subscription card is nominative and allows to benefit from a preferential rate for several round trips to be used over one year from the date of the first passage on all islands served by BreizhGo Océane. The subscription is valid for use by the vehicle owner, his spouse and children under 26. Unused passes and subscriptions are not refundable.

The Frequency 4 subscription (passenger ticket not included)

The Pass Frequency 4 allows you to benefit from a preferential rate for 2 round trips of one vehicle.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)Groix, Houat – Hoëdic
Category 1
less than 4,00 m
285,65 €275,95 €
Category 2
from 4,00 m to 4,39 m
340,85 €331,10 €
Category 3
from 4,40 m to 4,79 m
523,05 €513,35 €
Category 4
More than 4,80 m
628,10 €618,35 €

The Frequency 10 subscription (passenger ticket not included)

The Pass Frequency 10 allows you to benefit from a preferential rate for 5 round trips of one vehicle.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)Groix, Houat – Hoëdic
Category 1
less than 4,00 m
548,35 €524,00 €
Category 2
from 4,00 m to 4,39 m
625,65 €601,35 €
Category 3
from 4,40 m to 4,79 m
951,50 €927,20 €
Category 4
More than 4,80 m
1 167,00 €1 142,65 €

The Two-wheeled 10 (passenger ticket not included)

The 10-wheeler pass allows motorized or non-motorized two-wheelers to benefit from a preferential rate for 5 round trips.

Belle-Île-en-Mer (Le Palais)GroixHouat – Hoëdic
Electric scooter37,75 €37,75 €37,75 €
Bicycle or bike trailer65,95 €65,95 €65,95 €
Electric bike88,00 €88,00 €88,00 €
Motorized two-wheelers
≤ de 125 cm3
187,65 €184,85 €184,85 €
Motorized two-wheelers
> à 125 cm3
531,60 €528,55 €528,55 €

You regularly travel with BreizhGo Océane?

You can benefit from advantageous rates adapted to your crossing frequency.

Make a request for subscription or renewal of vehicle subscription for your crossings to the islands of Morbihan. Any recharge made during the validity period of the subscription, without modification of the validity date, generates 20% discount on the total amount of the subscription.

You want to register more than one vehicle?

You can register up to two vehicles of the same category on your membership card.

If your 2 vehicles are of different category but with the same name, you can subscribe to 2 subscriptions and benefit from a 20% discount on all 2 subscriptions.

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